If you are someone who really enjoys celebrating the holidays and you have just moved, then you are in for some changes. Here are a few suggestions of how to manage your new Holiday Home:
Situation A – Hosting Guests following a local move. You have moved within your city or state and are still planning to host the holiday.
If this is you, the best advice we have is to prioritize. Make a list of items that must be unpacked or located that are essential to your holiday home: roasting pan, serving dishes, decorations, guest towels/linens. Decide what boxes and types of items can wait to be unpacked at a later date. This will help you feel in control and maintain some order and clarity so that you can not only host the holiday, but enjoy it too!
Situation B – Hosting Guests following a Long Distance Move. You’ve moved from Seattle to New York and family/friends are planning to come for the holidays.
If guests will be joining you in your new city for the holidays, you may want to approach your plans differently. Does your new location offer fun and interesting sights to visit? Consider planning for a smaller celebration at home and add in some sightseeing excursions or holiday outings. Your family will have fun joining you in learning about your new surroundings. In the house, focus on setting up your guest bedrooms and bathrooms, making sure that essential supplies (like shampoo, towels and extra bath tissue) are on hand. Make it easy for them to relax and help themselves.
Situation C – Staying in Your New Home for the Holidays, No guests.
Your extended family or friends might not be able to to visit you in your new location this holiday season. Although this may be something you are sad about, if you step back for a moment, you can see that this can actually be an exciting opportunity. Pull your spouse and kids together and talk about what traditions you simply MUST continue and then allow for everyone to suggest something new! In our family, we began a tradition called the “Pajama-thon”. When we didn’t have to host company, it was a challenge to see who could stay in their pajamas the longest through the Holiday Break. We wore pajamas on ski trips, to movies, restaurants and grocery stores – the kids loved the fun of it (and we didn’t have to offend Grandma & Grandpa!).
Wherever you are calling “Home” for the holidays,
Have fun making your own, new, Holiday Home memories!